Cover image: Florida Building Code books for 2023 - Essential guides for staying compliant in construction.

Florida Building Code 2023 (book update)

New Florida Building Code 2023

The new 8th Edition Florida Building Code will be effective in our courses in March

An updated edition of the Florida Building Code or FBC is adopted triennially by the Florida Building Commission. The code may also be amended between updates in order to incorporate the Florida Building Commission’s interpretations into the code, address conflicts, and update standards, among other statutorily specified reasons. Minimum requirements for permitting, plans review, and inspections are established by the code, and local jurisdictions may adopt additional administrative requirements that are more stringent. The City of Palm Bay does adopt a modified Chapter 1 of the FBC, Building, for administrative purposes.

If you already have your study guides

The deadline for course scheduling is approaching. If you already possess study guides, take the initiative to schedule your courses now. We are introducing new study guides aligned with the updated FBC 2023, rendering the old ones obsolete. This new edition of the FBC we introduce into the guides in March. All applications and documentation submitted for a permit as of this date must reflect this new code. Please make note of this date.

Trade Dates

For all dates that are fast approaching please check here! Course schedule

Please feel free to contact the City of Palm Bay Building Department at [email protected] or if you have any questions. The 8th Edition FBC is available online at our Book Store Contact us now!

Call 1-800-832-2496 for our latest Virtual Classes schedule or Contact Us online.